Backing Singer Leanne Moore talks Jedward

Hejsan, förlåt att jag (anna) är så off men Sophia sköter de jätte bra. Men ja det är mycket nu när skolan håller på att avslutas, men de kommer bli bättre snart och sla försöka hitta tillbaka igen. :D Love you all very very much!!! ♥

JOE: You were backing up Jedward with much-needed vocals at Eurovision. Could you tell which was which?

LM: I can’t call them Jedward anymore. I have to call them John and Edward. They’re not Jedward to me because that’s almost like a stage name.

I’ve no difficulty in telling them apart. They’re two very different people. Edward is more the singer while John is more the dancer. John will do all the talking when the camera is rolling but Edward will sit down beside you behind the scenes and talk for Ireland.

People ask me, 'Are they like that all the time?' And the answer is, yes, they are! It’s not like they’re putting on these personalities. Since Eurovision everyone has seen their draw, their X Factor if you like.

I’m personally delighted for them to see their popularity rise. They work amazingly hard for two young lads.

JOE: What’s the story with Jedward and the ladies? I mean, did either of them make any kind of advance at Eurovision?

LM: They’re so young but they act really young as well. I felt like they were my little brothers and I had to take care of them in Dusseldorf.

But they certainly know how to spot girls. They both had a crush on the German entry, Lena. Edward especially. He can’t stop talking about her. He’s got a huge teenage crush for her.

I don’t know where they’d find the time to have a girlfriend. The day of the Obama visit I met them in Dublin and they’d already been up since 5am to record two commercials, made it over here for the visit and then went home to pack their bags to fly to Germany. They had something like 10 different flights in the following six days. Where would anyone get time for a normal life? Never mind girlfriends!


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